Use the panel below to upload and prepare each individual data
Drag & drop files here
Open the file Browser
Click the individual cell to activate each process. Drag and drop or select a file to add a new data set. The maximum total number of studies allowed is 50. When all data sets have been processed, Click Start Upload Files button to proceed. When all data sets have been Uploaded, Click Execute button to proceed.
The study format consists of one line per feature, each containing different columns of data. The first row contains ID and cases labels. The second line contains the subject's class for controls and cases. The maximum file size per upload is 30M. Data can be uploaded as a tab-delimited text file (.txt). Example:
ID GSM1432676 GSM1432677 GSM1432646
639396 -0.079391 0.1156792 -0.260034
Download your platform file from NCBI web page. System will recognize File's Columns and you must define the two columns system must use for tranformation.
Study Classes
Metanalysis Execution
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